Become a sitter today!
Become a Pet Sitter and make up to $1600 per month! Simply enter your email to start your application today!
Flexibility & Freedom
Set your own schedule and prices, and work as much or as little as you want
Earn up to $1600 a month
Choose the pets you want to care for
Every booking through Mad Paws is covered by our Premium Public Liability Insurance
Kick-Start Your Own Business
Establish your own Pet Sitting client base with the support of the Mad Paws Team
Convenient and secure online payments
Full-time Customer Support Team ready to assist you
How it Works
Create your free profile
Put your heart into your profile and tell potential customers your personal story
Accept bookings
You will always have the option of approving each individual booking enquiry that comes to you.
Get paid
Once you have completed the booking you'll receive the payment in your bank account.
Copyright © 2021 Mad Paws